The plot is located next to Muuga Harbour on the territory of Muuga Industrial Park. The plot sits in Muuga Harbour’s free zone. Excellent access to the Harbour’s docks and terminals. Convenient access from main highways – Peterburi maantee (St. Petersburg Highway), Tallinna ringtee (Tallinn Roundabout). In place is a network of asphalted roads with street lights. Rail Baltica’s freight station will be built next to the Industrial Park.
Water supply and sewage – pipelines built until the border of the plot
Gas supply – gas pipelines built until the border of the plot. The plot’s possessor compensates, based on required capacity, the connection fee paid by AS Tallinna Sadam to AS Eesti Gaas.
Electricity supply – connection to the electricity network will be built for a connection fee in accordance to the capacity applied to the plot.
Telecommunication – communication channels built until the border of the plot (specific communication connections will be built by AS Telia in adherence to plot specific needs at the expense of the plot’s possessor)
Detailed spatial plan
Detailed spatial plan has been adopted. Name of the detailed spatial plan: Uusküla küla Klaukse tee ja lähiala detailplaneering.
Vanasadama reisiterminalide juures on võimalik reisijate
pealevõtmiseks ja mahapanekuks lühiajaliselt tasuta parkida –
selleks on nii A- kui D-terminali juures Kiss&Sail parklad.
Kiss&Sail parklad on kasutamiseks nii erasõidukitele, mittelepingulistele
taksodele kui ka sõidujagamis-app’ide sõidukitele (Bolt, Uber, Yandex jne).
Otse terminali uste ette pääsevad vaid lepingulised taksod (Tallink, Tulika).
Terminalide ees on lubatud lühiajaliselt parkida ainult bussidel.