Baltic Line has decided to change the port of call in Estonia – since week 28 Baltic Line’s vessel Baltic Betina will call to Paldiski South Harbour, the largest Estonian ro-ro cargo port owned by Port of Tallinn. Until now Baltic Line was calling to Paldiski North Harbour.
Paldiski South Harbour – having multiple ro-ro quays, well-developed infrastructure, larger ro-ro operational area as well as extended covered and open storage areas – can serve better the clients and cargo flows of the Baltic Line. Paldiski South Harbour is also serving extensive ro-ro traffic to/from the Continent and Scandinavia which will enlarge the transshipment possibilities of our clients.
Baltic Line liner service is part of Nor Lines company, which is operating in Baltic Sea and North Sea with 10 cargo vessels. In addition Nor Lines is taking care of Hurtigruten cargo traffic in Norwegian coastal service on 11 vessels. Nor Lines is also having a 40% share in Sea-Cargo AS, which is operating with six ro-ro vessels between Continent, UK, Denmark and Norwegian ports. Nor Lines AS was established in 1988 and in 2011 had a turnover of abt. NOK 0.7 billion.
The main loading ports of Baltic Line’s twice-a-month liner service in Baltic Sea are Paldiski and Turku (Finland). Baltic Line is also calling to Moss, Larvik, Lyngdal, Sandnes, Bergen (all Norway) and Grena/Hundested (Denmark).
Baltic Line liner service
ESTEVE Terminal AS – terminal operator in Paldiski South Harbour
Rae põik 10, 76806 Paldiski, Estonia
Phone: (+372) 6451500
Fax: (+372) 6541502
E-mail: [email protected]
Homepage www.esteve.ee
Paldiski South Harbour
Tallinna Sadam AS
Sadama 25, 15051 Tallinn, Estonia
Phone: (+372) 6318555
Fax: (+372) 6318166
E-mail: [email protected]
Homepage: www.portoftallinn.com
CF&S Estonia AS – Line’s agent in Estonia
Ahtri 12, 10151 Tallinn, Estonia
Phone: (+372) 666 4414
Fax: (+372) 666 4446
e-mail: [email protected]
Homepage: www.cfs.ee
Daimar Truija – Sales & Marketing – Mobile tel. + 372 508 4211
Martin Truija – Booking & Sales – Mobile tel. + 372 501 5838