Port of Tallinn’s Head of Quality and Environmental Management Department Ellen Kaasik was elected as the new Chairman of Baltic Ports Organization’s (BPO) Environmental Group.
The BPO Environmental Group consists of nine members representing the biggest Baltic Sea ports and its main role is to advise the BPO management on environmental issues regarding ports’ activities.
In addition to advisory role, BPO’s Environmental Group also functions as intermediary of ports’ best practices on environmental management, environmentally friendly development of ports, waste management, natural environment, air pollution, marine environment, energy and climate change, considering HELCOM’s activities under the Convention on the protection of the Baltic Sea.
Besides the new position, Kaasik continues cooperation regarding environmental topics as Chairman of Sustainable Development Committee of the European Sea Ports Organization (ESPO) and as Member of the Board of the Estonian Association for Environmental Management (EKJA).
The new Chairman of BPO’s Environment Group was elected at the annual conference of the BPO held in Szczecin on 6 September 2018.

From the left: new Chairman of the BPO Kimmo Naski (CEO Port of HaminaKotka), Ellen Kaasik and Secretrary general of the BPO Bogdan Oldakowski