The Port of Tallinn initiated noise studies at Vanasadam Harbour back in 2005.

During the studies, noise sources (including all regular passenger ships and more frequent cruise ships calling at Vanasadam), and a strategic noise map was drawn up for the harbour area (60 hectares). With this step, the Port of Tallinn became one of the first to comply with the requirement arising from the Ambient Air Protection Act to prepare a strategic noise map and action plan for reducing noise.

The Port of Tallinn has carried out a number of noise studies in Muuga Harbour and Saaremaa Harbour. The works were performed in the context of expansion of the eastern part of Muuga Harbour, assessment of the environmental impacts of the eastern part of Muuga Harbour, the construction of the new (eastern) cruise ship dock at Vanasadam Harbour and the strategic environmental impact assessment for Saaremaa Harbour.

In 2016, a noise study was carried out in relation to the activities of operators at Muuga Harbour. Fifty per cent of the funding came through the atmospheric air protection sub-programme of the Environmental Investment Centre environmental programme. The noise study was conditioned by complaints over noise from residents of residential areas adjoining Muuga Harbour, and the operators at Muuga Harbour were named as possible causes. To determine the reasons for the noise from Muuga Harbour, all of the necessary measurements of noise sources (e.g. loading/unloading, lifts, trains, shunting etc.) were carried out in order to compile a noise map, along with measurements of sound pressure level in areas adjoining Muuga Harbour during the daytime and night-time. The studies determined the problematic areas and an analysis of possible remedial measures was prepared. In 2017, noise measurements in Muuga Harbour continued and necessary remedial measures were implemented to pre-empt complaints from neighbours. The noise study was carried out by the Estonian branch of Akukon Oy, which has experience preparing similar studies and a plan of measures.