Port of Tallinn is now listed on Nasdaq Tallinn Stock Exchange

Port of Tallinn (official name AS Tallinna Sadam) shares are listed on the OMX Nasdaq Tallinn Stock Exchange in the Baltic Main List since June 13, 2018. The trading symbol of the shares is TSM1T and the number of common shares outstanding is 263 000 000, of which 176 295 032 (67,03%) is owned by the Republic of Estonia and the rest by investment funds, pension funds and private investors. 

During the almost three-month period of being listed, Port of Tallinn shares have been one of the most traded shares in the Baltic Main List. More than 5,600 trades haven been made, more than 15.4 million shares have changed owner and the turnover exceeds 30.8 million.

Since the first day of trading, the share price has increased by 6.04%.


The listing of the shares of Port of Tallinn followed company’s initial public offering to retail investors in Estonia and to domestic and international institutional investors from May 25 to June 6. The total gross proceeds of the offering were EUR 147.4 million. In total, 13,723 Estonian retail investors and 102 institutional investors from 22 countries participated in the offering. The IPO was oversubscribed by more than three times.


Port of Tallinn’s listing was the first state-owned company listing in Estonia in almost 20 years.


Port of Tallinn also has a new website for investors: https://investor.ts.ee/en/


The results and main events of the group are always firstly published as exchange releases through the Nasdaq exchange release system.

If you wish to be up to date with the Port of Tallinn group, we recommend to subscribe to the exchange release system and order the company announcements to your e-mail.

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