The Port of Tallinn opened a new multistory car park with one underground and four above ground levels at the Old City Harbor in the immediate vicinity of Terminal D. Passengers enjoy convenient access straight from the car park to their ship and from their vessel to the parking structure. The car park is open for both passengers and those wishing to stay in a hotel in the area or visit businesses nearby. Throughout the opening week, parking is free for everyone.
Piret Üts, Business Manager in Real Estate with the Port of Tallinn, says the Port seeks to establish the Old City Harbor area as an attractive urban environment. “The newly finished multistory car park helps improve our passengers’ user experience and reduce the number of parking areas on harbor grounds. Now, we are ready to move forward with making the area immediately in front of Terminal D into a part of the cityscape, transforming it into a public space that appeals to Tallinnites and tourist visiting Estonia alike.”
Multistory car park at Terminal D:
- 6 parking levels
- 385 parking places
- 20 electric vehicle charging stations, incl. 2 speed chargers
- opportunity to add 20 extra electric vehicle charging stations
The multistory car park, operated by Europark Estonia OÜ, is open for customers starting from February 15, 2021.
The car park’s architectural solution was created by architectural bureau R-Konsult OÜ. AS Merko Ehitus Eesti served as the main contractor for the structure’s design and construction.
The multistory car park at Terminal D was erected within the framework of the TWIN-PORT 2 project as supported by the European Union through the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) instrument.
More information on parking prices
Pictures of the multistory car park Pictures by Raul Mee