In our activities we adhere to the following quality management principles:

  • We follow the sustainable development goals in our activities;
  • We manage the entire company and all our projects on the basis of the SDGs, including considering our business decisions from an economic, environmental and social perspective;
  • assurance of a suitable and stable environment for moving goods and serving passengers;
  • assurance of strong operational performance through flexibility and continuous improvement work on the performance of services and the management system;
  • assurance of the transparency and legality of our activities;
  • assurance of the reliability and safety of our activities.


Port of Tallinn Operating Principles Pertaining to Quality Management

Since 2003, the Port of Tallinn Management System has been certified as being in compliance with the requirements of the ISO 9001 Quality Management System and the ISO 14001 Environmental Management System standards.

In March 2018 there was a certification renewal audit in accordance with the requirements of ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 14004:2015, carried out by certification authority Bureau Veritas Certification who has been performing management system certification and audit services in Port of Tallinn since 2009.

The main objectives in developing the quality and environmental management system included the implementation of a customer satisfaction model and indicators and surveys for measuring the company’s reputation and employee engagement. We continued to develop our performance management system, employee motivation system and paperless accounting, replaced our digital document management system and internal web and implemented a new digital group work tool. We have identified, described and updated all significant risks that Port of Tallinn is exposed to. We also updated our comprehensive risk management framework. The main purpose of risk management is not to prevent the realisation of risks but rather to prevent the arising loss or damage to the company, i.e. to help ensure the company’s profitability and the achievement of its goals. The risks of Port of Tallinn  have been classified to three main categories: risks resulting from the external environment, risks associated with specific business lines and operational risks. Every risk has been assigned a risk owner and, where necessary, a risk manager. Detailed information on the financial risks of Port of Tallinn and its risk mitigation and hedging objectives and principles is provided in Annual Report. In keeping with our values and ethics, we have put in place a Group-wide procedure for preventing conflicts of interest under which, among other things, members of Group companies’ management and supervisory boards and key personnel are required to declare their business interests.

The environmental goals of Port of Tallinn  have been set in accordance with the internationally agreed Sustainable Development Goals. Our environmental policy is based on the principle that our activities have to be environmentally friendly. In planning our development activities, we carry out thorough analyses and take into account the proposals of both the public and our customers. To implement our environmental policy and achieve our goals, we raise our employees’ environmental awareness, work with Estonian and international organisations, scientific and research institutions, and consulting companies. We have implemented an environmental management system that is in conformity with ISO 14001. Our environmental management system is based on identifying significant environmental aspects and their impacts, and setting environmental goals and tasks to improve the results. Significant aspects are activities which after coming into contact with the surrounding environment have the greatest impact on nature, the cooperation of stakeholders, the quality of life of people, and the results of business activities. One of the main goals of our environmental management system was to improve the monitoring of air quality in the western part of the Muuga Harbour to reduce neighbours’ complaints about odour nuisances. We also contribute to improving the purity of the Baltic Sea by helping prevent the discharge of ship-generated sewage into the sea. To help solve the problem, we built a system for receiving sewage from international ferries and cruise ships in the Old City Harbour. At the Environmentally Friendly Company Competition 2018, the solution received a special award in the category of business and biodiversity (subcategory: environmentally friendly products and services).