The Port of Tallinn sees new earning opportunities in four areas: goods, passengers, real estate and shipping

The Port of Tallinn’s vision is to become the most innovative port on the shores of the Baltic Sea by offering its customers the best environment and development opportunities.


The company’s strategy is focused on four fields of business: cargo and cargo handling; passengers and passenger services; real estate development; and shipping.


The company has set itself a five-year goal of working with all the parties in the logistics chain to consciously boost the competitive ability of the cargo corridors passing through Estonia. Digitalisation of the logistics chain is the focus here. Opportunities are seen in the growth of the container transport and liquid gas markets as well as cargo trade in the north-south direction. The replacement of fossil fuels with renewable and biofuels and alternative sources of energy also presents opportunities. In addition, the goal is to start using the available industrial park areas in Muuga Harbour and Paldiski South Harbour to a larger extent.


Where passengers are concerned, the strategy foresees growth opportunities on all ferry routes and in the servicing of cruise ships, supported by the addition of new ferries and cruise ships and the increased interest of passengers from Asia in travelling in the Baltic Sea region. Company’s major investments over the coming years are predominantly planned to support the growth of the passenger sector and improve passenger service infrastructure by providing faster service with better quality.


In terms of real estate development, the Port of Tallinn has started with the implementation of the Old City Harbour development plan or Masterplan, designed in cooperation with the world-renowned Zaha Hadid Architects, which offers a unique opportunity for profitable real estate development in the longer term.


In shipping, the company has the following goals: to fulfil the business plan and ensure high quality service in the organisation of ferry transport between the Estonian mainland and its largest islands; and to guarantee the performance of the winter icebreaking contract and find summer work for the icebreaker Botnica.

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