Port of Tallinn Operating Principles Pertaining to Quality Management:


  • We follow the sustainable development goals in our activities;
  • We manage the entire company and all our projects on the basis of the SDGs, including considering our business decisions from an economic, environmental and social perspective;
  • assurance of a suitable and stable environment for moving goods and serving passengers;
  • assurance of strong operational performance through flexibility and continuous improvement work on the performance of services and the management system;
  • assurance of the transparency and legality of our activities;
  • assurance of the reliability and safety of our activities.

Port of Tallinn Operating Principles Pertaining to Environmental Management:


  • We ensure that the ecological footprint of our activities is kept to a minimum and strive for climate neutrality;
  • To operate in environmentally friendly ways pursuant to the environmental pollution prevention principle;
  • To assess all environmental impacts when planning development activities;
  • To take into consideration the public opinion and the suggestions made by our clients and customers in making decisions, also following the principles of continuous improvement and sustainable use of natural resources;
  • To comply with Estonian, European Union, European Sea Ports Organisation (ESPO) and international environmental legislation and guidelines;
  • To achieve our environmental policy and objectives, we raise environmental awareness of our employees, cooperate with Estonian and international organisations, scientific establishments and research institutions and consultation companies.


Ellen Kaasik
Head of Environmental Management
+372 505 8902