Safety and security

Our main goal is to make sure that all employees, passengers, cargo and companies acting in the port area are safe and secure.

We constantly assess the risks of emergency situations, keep safety measures up to date and train our readiness to act in emergency situations.

Occupational safety is one of our main priorities. Thanks to preventive work, only a few cases with more serious consequences have occurred in the Port of Tallinn in the last ten years. There have been no dangerous situations with a large number of fatalities or injuries.

We work closely with cargo terminals operating in the port area, including hazardous substance handlers, state offices and local communities.

Smart security and access systems are used to guard and protect port areas. We keep interruptions in information systems to a minimum, protect personal data in them, and constantly raise our employees’ awareness of information security through various training and training programs.

Quality management

In our activities we adhere to the following quality management principles:

  • following the sustainable development goals in our activities
  • managing the entire company and all our projects on the basis of the SDGs, including considering our business decisions from an economic, environmental and social perspective
  • assurance of a suitable and stable environment for moving goods and serving passengers
  • assurance of strong operational performance through flexibility and continuous improvement work on the performance of services and the management system
  • assurance of the transparency and legality of our activities
  • assurance of the reliability and safety of our activities.

The Group’s parent AS Tallinna Sadam has been applying an integrated management system, which complies with the requirements of international quality and environmental management standards ISO 9001 and ISO 14001, since 2003 already. Conformity with international standards assures that the management system of Tallinna Sadam ensures the satisfaction of customers and other stakeholder groups, the efficiency of workflows, and effective control of risks and environmental aspects.


In accordance with the risk management framework, we regularly review the risks affecting the operations of the Port of Tallinn. The risks affecting the operations of the Port of Tallinn are divided into three main categories: external environmental risks, business area risks and operational risks, and all risks are assigned risk severity levels and mitigation measures that depend on the nature of the specific risk. The group’s financial risks are managed separately, and the principles and methods of their mitigation can be found in the annual reports.

Customers and suppliers

We have a broad customer base, which largely consists of the Estonian state as well as big inter- national companies, many of which are listed on different stock exchanges. Our largest customers are ferry operators, cargo terminal operators, and the government (the Republic of Estonia) under the contracts for the provision of ferry service and Botnica’s icebreaking service. Our customers also include the end consumers of our services: passengers travelling on our ferries to the islands of Saaremaa and Hiiumaa, passengers travelling on international routes, and cargo carriers and cargo owners.

Collaboration across the value chain

In customer relations, we follow the principles of openness and inclusion. Among the companies offering services in the passenger terminals of Old City Harbour, we have agreed on common understandings in serving the visitors of the port, that is, the Service Compass of the Old City Harbour community:

In procuring products and services, we prefer, where possible, sustainable solutions, which are aligned with the values of Tallinna Sadam. We observe the sustainability criteria already in preparing the qualification requirements and exclude bids with solutions that burden the environment. We have adopted the Port Community’s Internal Regulations, which set out what we expect of organisations providing services on harbour premises.

In cooperation with the representatives of our stakeholders, we organize events and conferences to raise awareness of sustainable development, and we actively participate in projects supporting the sustainable development of the region related to the port area.